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July 14th 2002 - Jay C's thoughts updated!
Ratings game:As we all know by now, The Rock's return on SmackDown! was essentially a complete failure, creating almost no spark in WWE viewership and drawing just a 3.3 rating. But in even more bad news for WWE, comparing this year's return of The Rock to last year's return, every demographic of WWE viewers are down apart from males 50 and over, which doesn't exactly make up a huge percentage of WWE viewers.

The 18-49 male demographic range, an important part of WWE viewership, is down a huge 31 percent. The 25-54 demographic of both sexes is down a big 30 percent. The 18-49 demographic of both sexes is down 29 percent, which means that both men and women are almost completely uninterested in WWE programming this year. However, the most shocking of all drops is the most important teenage audience, which is down by a staggering 52 percent.

WWE will obviously be very unhappy at the turn of events during the last year, regarding viewership of their programming. With the teenage audience down by more than half, and other audiences all down by almost a third, there will probably have to be some big changes in storylines in order to return even a part of the lost viewers back to WWE television.
{Credit to 3Strandwrestling.com}
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